
Who We Are

Springbrook Church is a community of followers of Jesus that exists to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus Christ through gospel-centered worship, community, and mission. 

Springbrook Church was planted in January of 2011 as The Well and in that time we have seen God build His church and we glorify Him for His grace to us.  In 2017 the elders decided it was time to transition our name from The Well to Springbrook Church, as a way to more clearly explain who we are to those around us.  Even though our name has changed, we remain a church with a heart to see the gospel of Jesus Christ believed and displayed. 

We passionately believe that everyone should come to Jesus as they are, with nothing but need in their hands.  We recognize that people are in different places in their walk with Christ and believe that what we need is a lot of the good news of Jesus, a lot of safety to grow in Him, and lots of patience with one another on that path.  So, no matter where you are in life we want to say to you, "Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters..." (Isaiah 55:1).